Games Fed annonce l’édition 2009 du Paris Games FestivalGames Fed announces the 2009 edition of Paris Games Festival

Paris organise un des évènements majeurs du jeu vidéo en Europe.

La 4ème édition du Paris Games Festival aura lieu du 17 au 20 Septembre 2009 au Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles. Après 3 éditions, ce salon devient le plus gros show en termes de traffic visiteur (plus de 70 000 personnes attendues).
Développeurs, éditeurs, écoles, journalistes, joueurs s’y rassembleront.
Égalementun partenariat stratégique avec SELL (Syndicat des Editeurs de Logiciels de Loisirs).

Découvrez en avant-première les trailers et démos des sorties prévues pour Noel 2009.
Le 17, journée réservée aux pros et aux journalistes. Du 18 au 20, grand public.


Paris Games Festival

Paris to host a major European videogames event
The 4th edition of Paris Game Festivalwill take place from the 17th to the 20th of September 2009 in the Paris Exhibition Center, Porte de Versailles. After 3 successful editions, the Paris Game Festival becomes one of the biggest videogames consumer show of the world with more than 70 000 visitors.
Developers, publishers, schools, journalists, gamers and enthusiasts will all gather for the Paris Game Festival. The creators of the show announced today a strategic partnership with the SELL (entertainment software association) demonstrating the industry’s commitment in order to make this event a global success. As a result, the Paris Game Festival is now a perfect opportunity for studios and publishers to present exclusive trailers and demos for the 2009 Christmas lineup and after.
Jonathan Dumont, President of the Paris Game Festival said “The success of the past editions and the position of Paris as an international city of culture and arts give us a unique opportunity to celebrate videogames as one of the leading media of the 21 century.
The Festival will be open to the public from the 18 to the 20 of September. Tuesday 17th September will be dedicated to the press and trade visitors.

Paris Games Festival

Global Geek Week: concours videoGlobal Geek Week: video contest

Les initiales GGW ne se limitent plus à Girls Gone Wild. Mais correspondent dorénavant à Global Geek Week. 🙂

2 minutes pour expliquer en vidéo votre côté Geek:

  • How do you geek out?
  • What makes you a geek?
  • How are geeks going to make the world a better place?

Parmi les juges : Guy Kawasaky, Shira  Lazar, Hank Green

Une opération s’inscrivant dans le Summer of Social Good. Le but est de collecter des fonds pour des asscoiations OXFAM, WWF, Humane Society, Livestrong



Retrouvez la chaîne YoutubeGGW no stands for Girls Gone Wild anymore. But instead for Global Geek Week. 🙂

2 minutes to explain by video your Geekness:

  • How do you geek out?
  • What makes you a geek?
  • How are geeks going to make the world a better place?

Among judges : Guy Kawasaky, Shira  Lazar, Hank Green

By the way,keep in mind that Summer of Social Good. The goal is to raise money for OXFAM, WWF, Humane Society, Livestrong



Find all videos on dedicated Youtube Channel

La CB ultime pour geeksUltimate Credit Card for Geeks

Désormais, Tux, la mascotte officielle de Linux Kernel, aura une CB à son effigie.


Disponible uniquement pour les résidents US pour le moment. (patience)

Sachant ce que signifie « Platinium », ça nous fait tous rêver. pas vous ?

Articles similaires:

Linux Foundation Launches Branded Credit Card. Yes, It Features Tux. [Tech Crunch]

Linux FoundationStarting now, Tux, the offical mascotte of Linux Kernel, will have its own credit card.


Only available for US residents. (but coming soon ww)

Other important card member features include:

* No annual fee
* 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first six months
* Purchase protection
* Zero liability protection for unauthorized purchases
* Emergency cash and card replacement
* Lost/stolen card reporting service
* 24-hour roadside assistance
* Warranty manager service
* Lost luggage replacement

That makes all of us dreaming, don’t you ?

Related posts:

Linux Foundation Launches Branded Credit Card. Yes, It Features Tux. [Tech Crunch]

Linux Foundation