Elevator Pitch ou comment exprimer en peu de temps votre concept d’entreprise de manière claire et concise.
- Quel est le concept?
- Le positionnement?
- La cible?
- L’avantage compétitif/Le facteur clé de succès?
- La concurrence?
- Le modèle économique?
- Les compétences métiers?
- La vision long-terme, le plan de sortie, le ROI?
- Le seuil de rentabilité/poids mort?
- Les besoins en financement?
Source : Startup Nation
D’ailleurs, un concours était organisé dernièrement par Toshiba et GoToMeeting : The Elevator Pitch
Parmi les 5 finalistes :
- iSyndica USA
- Fwd:Vault
- Skillman Downstroke
Envoyez-nous vos « Elevator Pitch »
Elevator Pitch or how to explain in a few secons your startup to any potential partners …
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq0tan49rmc[/youtube]Besides, Toshiba & GoToMeeting have organized a competition called the same name: The Elevator Pitch
- What’s the idea?
- What’s the status of the idea or business?
- What market or markets does the business address and are there any testimonials or customer feedback?
- Why do you believe you have the advantage in the marketplace relative to the market needs?
- What’s the competition in the marketplace?
- What’s the revenue model (such as “e-commerce,” or “wholesale”)?
- Who’s the team that’s going to make the business succeed?
- What’s the longer term vision, the “end-game,” for the business and the projected return on investment for investors? (some examples are: « the business will distribute big profits to investors from cash flow by year X », or « the business will be acquired by another company for $XYZ »)
- What’s the total funding required to execute the business plan?
- What amount of financing are you seeking initially and what are the terms of investment?
Source : Startup Nation
Among 5 finalists :
- iSyndica USA
- Fwd:Vault
- Skillman Downstroke
Send us your « Elevator Pitch »