Global Geek Week: concours videoGlobal Geek Week: video contest

Les initiales GGW ne se limitent plus à Girls Gone Wild. Mais correspondent dorénavant à Global Geek Week. 🙂

2 minutes pour expliquer en vidéo votre côté Geek:

  • How do you geek out?
  • What makes you a geek?
  • How are geeks going to make the world a better place?

Parmi les juges : Guy Kawasaky, Shira  Lazar, Hank Green

Une opération s’inscrivant dans le Summer of Social Good. Le but est de collecter des fonds pour des asscoiations OXFAM, WWF, Humane Society, Livestrong



Retrouvez la chaîne YoutubeGGW no stands for Girls Gone Wild anymore. But instead for Global Geek Week. 🙂

2 minutes to explain by video your Geekness:

  • How do you geek out?
  • What makes you a geek?
  • How are geeks going to make the world a better place?

Among judges : Guy Kawasaky, Shira  Lazar, Hank Green

By the way,keep in mind that Summer of Social Good. The goal is to raise money for OXFAM, WWF, Humane Society, Livestrong



Find all videos on dedicated Youtube Channel

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