Elevator PitchElevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch ou comment exprimer en peu de temps votre concept d’entreprise de manière claire et concise.


  1. Quel est le concept?
  2. Le positionnement?
  3. La cible?
  4. L’avantage compétitif/Le facteur clé de succès?
  5. La concurrence?
  6. Le modèle économique?
  7. Les compétences métiers?
  8. La vision long-terme, le plan de sortie, le ROI?
  9. Le seuil de rentabilité/poids mort?
  10. Les besoins en financement?

Source : Startup Nation

D’ailleurs, un concours était organisé dernièrement par Toshiba et GoToMeeting : The Elevator Pitch

Parmi les 5 finalistes :


Envoyez-nous vos « Elevator Pitch »

    Elevator Pitch or how to explain in a few secons your startup to any potential partners …

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq0tan49rmc[/youtube]Besides, Toshiba & GoToMeeting have organized a competition called the same name: The Elevator Pitch

    1. What’s the idea?
    2. What’s the status of the idea or business?
    3. What market or markets does the business address and are there any testimonials or customer feedback?
    4. Why do you believe you have the advantage in the marketplace relative to the market needs?
    5. What’s the competition in the marketplace?
    6. What’s the revenue model (such as “e-commerce,” or “wholesale”)?
    7. Who’s the team that’s going to make the business succeed?
    8. What’s the longer term vision, the “end-game,” for the business and the projected return on investment for investors? (some examples are: « the business will distribute big profits to investors from cash flow by year X », or « the business will be acquired by another company for $XYZ »)
    9. What’s the total funding required to execute the business plan?
    10. What amount of financing are you seeking initially and what are the terms of investment?

    Source : Startup Nation

    Among 5 finalists :


    Send us your « Elevator Pitch »

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